function year_shortcode () { $year = date_i18n ('Y'); return $year; } add_shortcode ('year', 'year_shortcode'); The Follow Through | Healthcare Wellness


85 W. Main Street, Suite 302
Bay Shore, NY 11706

Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 9am to 7pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: Closed

Implementing personal health goals can be quite challenging particularly if you have been in the same routine for many years. How do I break the old habits of poor food choices? How do I break the sedentary lifestyle that I have developed throughout the years so I can take off the 30 extra pounds that I have put on? I feel my health has been getting worse year after year. My body aches all over and I want to live pain-free again. Where can I get help with these issues?

Getting started is quite tricky. Who do I trust in healthcare? Do I really need to spend an exorbitant amount of money to regain a pain-free life? Proper coaching and support is available. There are plenty of CARING professionals who are driven not just by money to see you live a happier and healthier life. Walking into a doctor’s office and having to wait for 2 hours is a sign that something may be wrong. I know that our healthcare system does have this issue for many of our highly- sought out physicians. If your looking on the bright side of this issue, a specialist you can trust may be worth the wait. Building a healthcare team of both mainstream doctors and complimentary practitioners is essential. If you do not get that “warm and fuzzy feeling” about a person who is going to assist you, please put the effort into trying to find someone that is patient with you and will listen to your story or health history.

There are plenty of complimentary practitioners that are available to you. Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Kinesiologists, Naturopath Doctors, Nutritionists, Physical Therapists, Holistic Nurses, Dieticians and Functional Medical Doctors can help you with a broad range of health issues that may be hidden from your specialist who are looking too closely at one system in the body and are not seeing a broader view of your daily lifestyle choices that may be diminishing your health.

It may take a fair bit of time if you are dealing with a chronic or long term health issue to get to the root of the problem and then reverse the situation. Having patience, perseverance and persistence is what it is going to take. Keeping and being committed to all your healthcare appointments is a must. I have noticed that patients who make a same time scheduled appointment weekly is more apt to keeping and staying with their health plan. It becomes a routine to show up at a particular time. We are creatures of habit, so I have seen this work best for patients. Like a good Golf or Tennis Stroke it is the follow through that makes you a winner. I get so excited when I see a patient follow through with their health plan. They are the ones that do get well. I wish all of you the best that life has to offer in good health.