Acupuncture to Promote a Healing Environment It has been said many times that, “a journey of a thousand miles is started with a single step.” A single step may be represented by the helping hand of a friend or family member to assist you in a new chapter of your life...
Conditions Acupuncture Commonly Treats By Anthony Cerabino
Recently I have been re-evaluating the types of conditions people are coming into the office for to get an Acupuncture treatment. Most commonly people are coming in for pain that is undetermined by a patient's primary physician or another healthcare practitioner....
Stop Smoking with Acupuncture By Anthony Cerabino
Stop Smoking with Acupuncture People can become addicted to many substances such as Nicotine, Caffeine, Sugar, Salt, Alcohol, Recreational and Pharmaceutical drugs. We can also break these habits with persistence, the proper motivation, a strong support system...
Pain-Free Acupuncture By Anthony Cerabino
Why do we go to the doctor? Because we are in pain. Traditionally, the art of Acupuncture is to insert the needles, (I call them little cat whiskers) without any pain. The last thing you want from a medical practitioner is for someone to produce more pain than what...
Scientific Proof for Acupuncture Treatments By Anthony Cerabino
Acupuncture Works! Currently there are five prevailing theories why Acupuncture works. Acupuncture raises the levels of specific hormones, prostaglandins, white blood count, gamma globulins and over-all antibody count. Acupuncture has a unique ability to stimulate...
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